Monday, December 8, 2014

Hour of Code

On Wednesday Dec. 10th and Thursday Dec. 11th the library is hosting an Hour of Code event. 

Students, teachers and staff are invited to come to the library during an off period or after school to find out what it takes to write just a few lines of code. The coding activities range from basic to intermediate. 

What is the “Hour of Code” all about?

Very simply, put aside one hour to introduce students to the basics of writing code through engaging self-guided tutorials and apps. 

The goal of this event is to demonstrate to students that computer science is a field anyone can pursue. created the "Hour of Code" to stress the importance of coding and encourage all schools to teach computer science.

Large tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and many more are partnering up with to “inspire 100 million students worldwide to do an hour of hour by the end of 2014”. They all know that a foundational knowledge of coding is an skill essential needed for the workforce of tomorrow. Their site points out that 67% of software jobs are outside of the tech industry.

Hadi Partovi, the co-founder of, believes the pursuit of a computer science education is an opportunity that should be afforded to all students. Since computer science students average only 18% female, 3% black, and 8% Latino, they also hope to promote more diversity in the fields of technology and software development.

So come on by! I guarantee you will have a good time.

Below are a list of resources you might want to use with your own children at home or to begin coding yourself.